Meet the experts in indigenous plants and gardening from Norfolk Road Nursery at the HOME & INTERIORS WAIRARAPA.
The Nursery is situated minutes from Masterton producing predominantly native plants with some of the more popular exotic plants.
The team has extensive experience in landscaping and supply the region with high quality, competitively priced plants which are are propagated on site, grown and sold locally through the retail shop.
The plants are grown outside under harsh conditions in the Wairarapa natural blustery winter frost environment, so are well hardened and adapted to the local environment.
They also provide eco sourced plants for DOC, GWRC, local Councils, Trusts and many other re-vegetation restoration projects.
Whether it be general landscaping in your home garden, habitat enhancement, erosion control, shelter belts, riparian planting they are able to happy to help.
Come and see their stunning display of plants and and shop for your garden, 25-26 March, 10am-4pm, Carterton Events Centre.